If you feel uncomfortable, this is for you!

We spend our lives avoiding feeling uncomfortable, of course we do. Who likes to feel that way? Not me. But sometimes feeling uncomfortable is a good thing. My fasting experience A few months ago I started practicing intermittent fasting, for health reasons. The first week was extremely uncomfortable. I felt hungry, my stomach growled and… Continue reading If you feel uncomfortable, this is for you!

Has human life been cheapened by Planned Parenthood?

What a beautiful name…Planned Parenthood. I always thought Planned Parenthood was a place that offered friendly pregnancy services for low-income women, I was wrong. In order for you to understand why I am so against Planned Parenthood you really have to look at its history and profits. According to Planned Parenthood’s most recently published annual… Continue reading Has human life been cheapened by Planned Parenthood?

 Feminism: Do women want to be equal or special?

According to the Center for Disease Control 80% of all suicides are committed by men. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics men account for 92% of all workplace deaths. According to the US department of Defense 97% of all combat victims are men. According to the Department of Justice 77% of all homicides victims… Continue reading  Feminism: Do women want to be equal or special?

Why can`t women just cover up when breastfeeding?

It seems like throughout history we have been learning, unlearning and learning again about the same things. Breastfeeding is one of them. In the past with the Roman empire for example, babies were breastfed at least until three years old. Wet nurses (someone else that breastfeeds your baby) were also very common. After World War… Continue reading Why can`t women just cover up when breastfeeding?

Are you scared of GMO`s?

Have you heard of the Golden Rice ? Last week while doing my research on Genetically Modified Organisms, I came across an article from the British Medical Journal stating that vitamin A deficiency kills 668,000 children under age five each year in parts of Africa, Middle East and Asia. The children go blind and die… Continue reading Are you scared of GMO`s?

Easy step to boost your local economy

  Do you want to eat healthier? Belong to a strong community? Posses more meaningful products? Easy. Shop small and local once a week. Six years ago while studying for my MBA course I wrote a 10 page long paper about how evil Wal-Mart was and how much it hurt our local and global economy. … Continue reading Easy step to boost your local economy

Easy Guide to Guilt Free Clothes Shopping

Linen years I remember when I was a child back in the 90`s, my mother had our clothes handmade. We would purchase the fabric, usually linen, then we would take it to the seamstress and go through the fashion magazines to choose the perfect outfits. The nice lady took our measurements and we came back… Continue reading Easy Guide to Guilt Free Clothes Shopping

If water falls from the sky, why do I need to save it?

I have to admit it bothers me when I see people using water like there is no tomorrow. I have never been mindful about things in my life except when it came to water. Probably because where I grew up, water was only available every other day. The days that we did not have water,… Continue reading If water falls from the sky, why do I need to save it?